July 19, 2022

CRH, Borealis L.A.T and Heidelberg Cement France Awarded at the "International Rail Summit" event

The biggest rail event of the year, the Soiree Everysens 2022 was conducted on November 17, by Everysens in Paris. A railway summit and conference was conducted where CEO's and senior officials disccused on revolutionizing industrial rail freight transport.

This Thursday, November 17th took place the 5th edition of the International Rail Summit, the  annual  landmark  event  for  innovative  rail  and  intermodal  logistics, gathering  shippers, forwarders and other freight key players from the Everysens community.

After  a  visit  of  the  T3M  intermodal  rail  terminal  of  Bonneuil,  150  industry  and  transport players gathered for a plenary conference dynamically mixing round tables, feedback sessions and  demonstrations.  Speakers  and  the  audience  discussed  current  challenges  and opportunities  opened  up  by  rail  transport  in  the current  geopolitical  crisis  and  upcoming economic crisis. (Find the full program here).

The  plenary  conference  was  concluded  by  an  award  ceremony,  much  awaited.  The  goal?Reward  large  companies  for  their  logistics  innovations  in  the  rail industry  around  3  prizes, recognizing the different stages of a successful digital project.

From onboarding  (Start Award)  to  first  results  (Scale  Award),  all  the  way  to  confirmed  ROI  (Grow Award), three companies distinguished themselves by their digital maturity:

  • Danucem - Start Laureate " Best onboarding "

Member company of the CRH Group - a leading global manufacturer of building materials -,Danucem adopted a just-in-time model at its terminals, making proactivity and collaboration strategic.  At  the  beginning  of  October  2022,  Danucem  logistics  operators  started  planning their  trains  collaboratively,  following  their  wagons and  transports,  and  analysing  their  rail performance on Everysens Transport Visibility Management System (TVMS).

“Making our rail operations more reliable and transparent by digitalization will allow us to increase our efficiency by 5-10% and help us to switch additional volumes of our transports from road to rail. We are very excited about our first month using Everysens and are convinced it will help us reduce  our  costs  and  carbon  footprint  while reinforcing  rail  excellence.”  explains Attila  Váczi, Senior Railway Expert at Danucem.

  • Borealis L.A.T - Scale Laureate " Best Run "

5  years  ago,  Borealis  L.A.T  (Borealis  commercial  entity  that  markets,  sells  and  distributes Fertilizers and Technical Nitrogen) started its rail digitalization journey. Since real-time data is unlocked  on  the  entire  wagon  fleet,  it  can  now  be  leveraged  fully.  Instead  of  accessing geolocation  data  from  the  portal  of  each  rail-company  using  the  dedicated  GPS  device separately, Borealis L.A.T uses Everysens as a ‘single source of truth’ for rail information. With smart alerts on fleet utilization and dashboards based on the available real-time data, BorealisL.A.T gained in efficiency and visibility. This is a win-win both for the company itself as for all its European customers.

“With the support of Everysens, we have implemented dashboards in order to measure the wagon utilization rate and thereby optimize our wagon fleet. We can analyze how long different journey stake, monitor the time spent in workshops, the use rate, etc. With data and dashboards provided by Everysens, we can make informed decisions to optimize our rail logistics with more confidence than before.” adds Marijke Vrins, Global Logistics Manager at Borealis L.A.T.

  • HeidelbergCement France (Ciments Calcia) - Grow Laureate " Best ROI "

With  9  manufacturing  sites,  5  terminals  mainly  located  around  Paris  and  more  than  400wagons  used  on  a  daily  basis,  Ciments  Calcia  (part  of HeidelbergCement  France)  is  a  major player  in  the  French  cement  industry.  HeidelbergCement  France  had  identified  2  key challenges  in  its  supply  chain strategy:  decarbonization  and  digitalization.  With  Everysens TVMS, the building materials company now has a single tool to transmit transport orders to its various railway  partners,  to  ensure  real-time  monitoring  of  its  trains,  and  to  increase  the overall productivity of its railway activity.

“Decarbonization is a key challenge we have to handle in the coming years in the building material industry.  Integrating  real-time  visibility  deep  into  our  transport  processes  enabled  us  to  optimize our rail operations and to prevent any spillover to road transportation. One KPI speaks for itself in this  project:  with  Everysens,  we  managed  to  increase  our  wagon  fleet  productivity  by  5%,  thus reducing  our  carbon  footprint”,  states  Philippe  Labbé,  Director  Of  Logistics  at HeidelbergCement France.