Become the Sherlock Holmes of the Supply Chain

March 8, 2024

If we believe the popular adage “Anything that can be measured improves”, then performance cannot be achieved without analysis. A quality analysis must be reliable, granular and above all actionable. This is where digital technology comes into its own.

If you believe this popular adage “Anything that can be measured improves.” then performance cannot be achieved without analysis. A quality analysis must be reliable, granular and above all actionable. This is where digital technology comes into its own, to exploit a large volume of data in an intuitive and localized way.

If you apply this approach to supply chain jobs, managing your means of transport effectively meets two clear objectives: to do more with less and to guarantee customer satisfaction. Indeed, an efficient supply chain is based on the control of its transport plan, and all the more so on the resources put in place to carry it out.

Some goods cannot be shipped without specific packaging or equipment available, for example magnum cases in cars, trestles for glass or even tankers for petrochemicals. The execution of the delivery to the customer also often involves various actors (manufacturers - transporters - charterers - end customer).

OmniLens, the lens that guides you in exploiting your data

In the spirit of wanting to simplify the analysis of your data, Everysens has developed an ergonomic data visualization tool, called “OmniLens”. This software was built with and for players in the Supply Chain: from the flow pilot to the fleet manager to the Transport or Supply Chain Director.

The aim is to allow you, at the strategic and operational level, to easily explore your logistics data, and to gain in productivity without drowning yourself in clusters of complex analyses.

Concretely, what are we talking about?

From a macro to granular vision

With OmniLens, each piece of equipment dedicated to transport — wagon, trailer, trailer, tipper, container or packaging — ultimately has two levels of stories to tell.

A real-time story for the first level will tell the different chapters that make up the adventures of Material Day, whether it's the time spent in port, in the workshop or loading. The Real time is written gradually on our logistics visibility platform: GPS points are instantly transformed into information that can be activated by flow pilots, supply chain managers and logistics coordinators in your company.

Over the longer term, a second story, that of a retrospective and collective Big Data analysis of your performances, is woven. The coming and going of trailers, trestles, pallets, pallets, containers or cars shape the flow and behavior trends of the fleet.

We thus suggest that you explore your data via different “paths” that each represent a specific use case. For example, as the person responsible for the transport plan, you want to point your finger at the nodes where there were the most difficulties in terms of rotations. You will therefore take the “Rotation” path. If otherwise, you are in charge of the fleet, it is probably the “Use” or “Immobilization” path that will interest you.

OmniLens allows each type of user to obtain a simplified visualization of the performance of their activity, over a given perimeter and a given period.

Sherlock Holmes will have nothing to envy you! What are you waiting for?

Want to learn a bit more? Plan a meeting with our team.