The 8 key performance indicators to monitor in logistics

March 8, 2024

Good information management is essential in order to meet the needs of consumers and to prevent situations that could potentially lead to a disorganization of the Supply Chain.

Delivering a package can require more than a hundred interactions and involve thirty people around the world. Over the years, this supply chain has continued to become more complex. Added to this are the new demands of consumers who demand more speed and efficiency. This is why good information management is essential in order to meet the needs of consumers and prevent situations that can lead to a disorganization of the Supply Chain.

Also, in order to optimize this supply chain, it is essential to measure its efficiency through KPIs.

Les KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are real performance drivers for the company and essential tools for strategic decision-making.


What are the 8 key performance indicators to monitor in logistics?

  • Inventory rotation: Calculate the number of inventory renewals over a given period of time.
  • Asset fill rate: Visualize the number of empty transports carried out in order to reduce them as much as possible. Thanks to the monitoring of this KPI, optimize your routes.
  • Transport cost: Calculate the cost of transport in relation to the sales made.
  • Delivery time: Honor your sales on time (between confirming the order and handing over the package). Customer satisfaction depends on it.
  • Average duration of an operation: Optimize and make the trips travelled profitable.
  • Fuel consumption: Optimize the number of kilometers traveled.
  • Litigation rate : Follow your goods in order to avoid hazards.
  • Best served geographic areas : Plan, execute and optimize your routes taking into account several factors: traffic, fuel costs, etc.


The logistics dashboard: a complementary and indispensable tool

Once all the indicators have been identified, it is interesting to insert all the data on the same platform. The logistics dashboard is a great tool. This tool allows the analysis and centralization of all information flows. All of these KPIs grouped together in the same tool allows the Supply Chain Manager to have a general overview of his performance. Thanks to this tool, he will be able to identify anomalies in order to modify them - in order to ultimately - improve the performance of his company.

Everysens offers a predictive and collaborative visibility platform in order to plan and monitor all Supply Chain flows in real time.

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