The Everysens Blog

Go behind the scenes of supply chain digitalization.
Learn more about end-to-end logistics visibility and transport optimization best practices. Everysens puts all its technological expertise and business knowledge at your disposal.

July 1, 2024

Overcoming rail freight challenges in Petrochemical supply chains: the integration of TVMS and OpenTAS

Integrating TVMS and OpenTAS enhances efficiency, accuracy, and real-time transparency in managing the petrochemical supply chain.

June 7, 2024

Mastering change management in rail freight projects: 7 actionable steps

Here is a concise guide to mastering change management in your rail freight projects.

June 5, 2024

Improving Real-Time Visibility in Rail Transport for the Automotive Industry

Real-time visibility in rail transport is vital for automotive supply chains. Enhanced VIN-based tracking improves shipment monitoring, reduces delays, and streamlines operations.

May 21, 2024

3 tips to digitise your European rail freight projects

Based on the experience that Arkema shared during a RailTech Master Class in March, here are three crucial tips to help you digitise your rail freight projects.

April 16, 2024

WEBINAR - Moving into the future: A guide to digital transformation in rail freight transport

On the way to the future: a guide to the digital transformation of freight rail transport - How businesses are overcoming challenges and seizing the potential of innovation

April 5, 2024

5 Best Practices for Digitising European Rail Freight Projects

The latest RailTech Master Class tackled the issue of digitising European rail freight projects. Damien Roussel, Supply Chain Optimisation Manager at Arkema, went over his 5 best practices to succeed in this endeavour.


5 Best Practices for Digitising European Rail Freight Projects

The latest RailTech Master Class tackled the issue of digitising European rail freight projects. Damien Roussel, Supply Chain Optimisation Manager at Arkema, went over his 5 best practices to succeed in this endeavour.


Reduce your scope 3 emissions thanks to rail transport

A reminder of the implications of scope 3, and why increased use of rail freight reduces your carbon footprint.


All you need to know about RID regulations

What are the Regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail? What does it involve? Why is it so important?


The challenges of the single wagonload, an essential transport method for the chemical industry

Thanks to the single wagonload, loaders who do not fill an entire freight train can send their products safely. The main challenge: the monitoring of the cars.


Is your car empty? Everysens also accompanies it on its trips!

Toutes les informations à savoir sur le tracking des wagons vides au sein de la plateforme Everysens.


Is rail freight a solution to decarbonize freight transport?

Sabrina Meksaoui, notre CRO, a échangé autour du thème du “Fret Ferroviaire - solution pour décarboner le transport de marchandises” et d’Everysens : la solution pour décarboner le fret ferroviaire.

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WEBINAR - Moving into the future: A guide to digital transformation in rail freight transport

On the way to the future: a guide to the digital transformation of freight rail transport - How businesses are overcoming challenges and seizing the potential of innovation


The importance of digitalization in the management of rail transport flows

Why and how to digitize rail transport flows? What tools to use, what technologies to turn to, what levers should be preferred for a successful adoption? And for what benefits?


Everysens obtains the TRUXT label in 2022

Everysens, which specializes in the digitalization of transport flows, has won the Truxt label (B1 rating), the only European label that guarantees the operational capacity and financial sustainability of IT service providers to their customers and partners.


Analyzing the performance of your equipment has never been easier

As a fleet manager, achieving goals means controlling the performance of your fleet. To achieve this, this often involves manually reporting rotation, immobilization and maintenance results to Excel.


The challenges of cybersecurity and cyber resilience in the Supply Chain

According to Gartner, by 2020, 100% of businesses will be asked to report to their board of directors on cybersecurity and technology risks at least once a year, up from 40% today.


Top 3 benefits of having a Dataviz software dedicated to the Supply Chain

The supply chain is a booming sector and is an essential and essential player in today's industrial companies. But how do you stand out in such a competitive and dynamic market?