According to Inbound Logistics, approximately 35% of shippers currently use a TMS in the United States, and most of these are large businesses. In France and Europe, this figure would be even lower (around 10%).
However, TMS tools have proven their worth over the years, whether in terms of reducing costs or improving transport execution. Today, they are a must-have in the era of digitalization of transport.
The TMS is aimed at all actors who seek to better control their flows despite the complexity of their flows. And this for the 2 types of transport actors: carriers, who use the TMS to manage their production tool; and, shippers who seek control of their budget and their transport service rate. However, this division between these 2 actors is tending to disappear. Indeed, shippers are now seeking to broaden their control of transport and service providers are developing global management service offers.
However, the use of TMS is still largely limited to large shippers. There is a lot to be gained in using a TMS for a business.
Why are TMS used by large groups?
The high costs of setting up a software tool such as a TMS but also maintaining it can discourage SMEs.
Unlike carriers, it is often difficult for them to precisely describe their needs, or the concrete benefits expected. In addition, a number of tools already coexist in the company, revealing functional voids, or on the contrary significant areas of intersection. To be effective, the TMS must find its place in this complex ecosystem and create value in a visible and meaningful way.
Shippers: why adopt a TMS?
While for carriers, the TMS is a strategic asset, because it is the nerve center of the company, allowing the activity and the production tool to be controlled from A to Z, for shippers, it represents an undeniable competitive advantage.
A company that combines planning and controlling transport execution thanks to a TMS has a significant competitive advantage, and is in a position to save a lot of money in the long term.
Even if your goals are not the same as the carriers, a TMS remains a relevant tool.
Today, exchanges between partners are now increasing, but also the establishment of decision-making support algorithms, are profoundly changing the shipper/carrier relationship. This one is much more extensive
Now, the rise of collaboration is becoming a necessity. True center of these exchanges between shippers, carriers and their ecosystem, this is where the TMS comes in and where its use makes perfect sense.
All actors interact and anticipate on a single platform, in real time.
A TMS designed for shippers
There is a growth in the TMS market specialized in road vehicles, as well as softwares encompassing various modes. Today, there is no TMS specialized in rail, most of which work with homemade solutions or in Excel. The existing tools are post-planning, and the planning is not done in these tools.
Today, it is essential to say goodbye to Excels':
- Unreliable, can generate errors, no back-up
- Does not allow for advanced analyses
- Strong training required
- No live collaboration, or very heavy
- No AI calculation
- Vulnerable when an employee leaves or when an employee is unavailable
- No realtime/IoT
Everysens is the solution for optimizing and managing rail transport from end to end. We combine our expertise in AI and IoT to offer the first collaborative, predictive and real-time TMS on the rail market. Designed for shippers and freight forwarders in the rail world, Everysens offers the first collaborative, predictive and real-time TMS on the market. This platform digitizes a set of transport processes, simplifies exchanges and decision support thanks to IoT and AI technologies. From ordering to invoicing, this management software ensures you a proactive monitoring of your flows, a control of your transport expenses and above all an enriched relationship, by offering a quality and efficient service.
Want to learn a bit more? Plan a meeting with our team.